Corporate Social Investment

Our Story in Social Investment

Skills Development and Youth Employment

  • We have provided an Internship opportunity to 5 Sales and Marketing Graduates from CUT in 2012.
  • The students were provided on the job training in developing a sales strategy, execution thereof which included ‘cold calling’; sales fulfilment; internal sales amongst others.
  • This training has enabled them to graduate and be skilled for the job market.

Transnet Engineering and Hamisa Group ‘Build a Desk, Build a Learner Project’ 2014

  • As part of our response to the government’s call to train 10 000 new Artisans by 2015,  we have donated 90 welding machines, accessories and PPE to the value of R250 000.00.
  • The donation will benefit 18 Further Education Training Colleges  (2 Technical Colleges per Province) across the country.
  • This will benefit hundreds of learners who will be skilled with the latest technology  in the field of Welding Engineering and have the opportunity to enter the job market.
“Our passion is in providing superior products and stellar service. From mining to engineering, we have a solution to suit your business.”

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Hamisa Group was established in 2010 by Bongile Tsotetsi and Stephen Phalatse  in Bloemfontein in the Free State Province. We currently have offices in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Bloemfontein and Durban.

Leading Provider To Engineering & Mining | Level 1 BBBEE Contributor | Certified ISO 9001:2008

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